Friday 27 July 2012

Lolita Fashion

Photo from
I've always been a big fan of Japanese culture, and pretty soon after getting into anime and learning more about what goes on in Japan, I stumbled across an area of Japanese fashion that appealed to me quite a bit.
I've never really been into cutesy stuff, but lolita changed that quite a bit. Don't get me wrong, there isn't just one area of lolita where everything is pink and frilly, because it covers gothic areas too.
My favourite type of lolita, though I cannot afford to pull it off, is probably elegant gothic aristocrat, as I would really like one of the boy outfits. If I remember rightly its influence was from Victorian outfits.
I also like classic lolita, as I think it looks really smart and cute. The only lolita I actually have though is a dress and skirt which are gothic lolita (and a blouse which no longer fits and was bought from a low quality website which will remain unnamed), as well as a skirt which is sweet lolita from a friend and some bloomers and petticoats. I also have some outfits that need to be altered in the future when I have the time. I can't wait to wear them.
It is not unusual to dress as the opposite gender too. For example, a girl may choose to dress as a boy (like I said before about elegant gothic aristocrat) and a guy may choose to dress as a girl. A famous example of a Japanese celebrity who does this is Mana-sama who often dresses as a woman for videos and public appearances. So jealous. And yet he looks so good in that dress.
Visual kei fashion is also really interesting, and I recommend you checking it out.

Monday 18 June 2012

The Thing About A Dream

First things first: wow I haven't been on here in a while, huh? Sorry about that, if anyone has taken to reading my blog. I've been busy and uninspired lately, without anything interesting to say. In comparison to other stuff, I think this post is going to be relatively mediocre.
The thing I want to talk about - seeing as I've been taking a trip down memory lane by switching on my old laptop which I used to use years ago - is having a dream. You know what I'm talking about: like wanting to become a rocket scientist or something.
When I was little I think my first dream was to be a singer and I think that still lingers somewhere at the back of my mind but I've always been way too shy to pursue it and realistically I'm not that good at it. But then I wanted to become an artist. I remember every kid saying they wanted to be an artist about three years afterwards. I don't know if they all genuinely did or whether it was because they caught my dream and decided it would be fun to follow (bearing in mind I was about eight when this happened). I decided because everyone else wanted to do that I would become a marine biologist, though I never really understood what that meant except I would be looking at beautiful creatures all the time and hanging out with dolphins. I was very fond of animals when I was small.
But this dream quickly faded simply because I was never really confident at science. I'd always been really fond of drawing, and often this led to writing, or perhaps the other way round. I still have notepads from when I must have been seven, with a really short and crappy story in it. Something along the lines of: "Sandra went to the shop. She bought a bag of potatoes. She went home and ate and was very happy. The end."
So I decided I wanted to be an artist with words, so I worked hard to aspire to become an author one day. I remember telling people when I first discovered what I wanted to be, and they always asked what an author was, so I had to explain it was a writer.
I don't know what happened but after I first discovered my dream I never really told anyone about it because I was both shy and quite ashamed at what people would think. I always spent my free time writing some story and trying to improve. I never aspired to be J.K.Rowling, in fact I think one of my earliest influences was Meg Cabot. Then a bit later it was Stephenie Meyer (a word here: people always slate her for Twilight, and I myself have grown out of the series, but I have also read The Host and that has one of my favourite romance quotes in it. Also, it takes a lot of talent. Saying she can't write is wrong. Otherwise, how the hell is she so successful? I agree I don't like the character of Bella, but I really love the Jacob stuff because it shows diversity). But between those two periods, I had a favourite writer called Sharon Creech. My grandparents bought me a selection of her books, and they were all really touching. Chasing Redbird and Walk Two Moons are two of my favourites.
Anyway, the main point of this is that I never told anyone for a few years. I thought people would find it weird. But I think it was the worst when I tried to hide it, because it wasn't as if I was hiding anything bad, it was just precious to me and I didn't want to be ridiculed for it or for someone to take that away from me be latching onto my dream.
I'm open about it now. Well, as open as I can be. I'm very shy after all. I think it really helped when one of my male friends took an interest. He was the one I first shared my sci-fi attempt with and he's always been enthusiastic since. I really appreciate it. A friend of mine at the time also used to watch me write on my old laptop at some points but I was always really shy about that because I was quite paranoid. And now I excitably force my writing onto my best friend.
I don't know why I felt like sharing this, but yeah. All my friends were accepting. And some of them embraced it and wanted to help. So, that leads nicely onto a moral. I think.
So the thing about dreams: never be afraid to share them.
PS: Sorry for any mistakes. It is close to midnight here.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Thorpe Park visit

Now I've been to Thorpe Park three times, and have been on all the rollercoasters (except Flying Fish but I don't care for that one). And I went on the front row of every one (but Stealth because my friend didn't want to which is fair enough) which was really awesome.
They're sort of Harajuku style
So now, in total, I have been on Saw: The Ride three times. So who could blame me for picking up these awesome pens? I saw them the first time I ever went on the rollercoaster but instead opted for a picture of my friends and I screaming like we were about to slam ourselves into a certain doom. Which is what Saw is like the first time round...
We were especially freaked out that time because - instead of just coming out on his little bicycle for five seconds as is usual - Jigsaw actually spoke to us for quite a while because we found ourselves having to wait for the other carriages to finish going round the track.
Don't worry, you don't need to watch the films to enjoy the experience; I've only ever watched snippets of the death traps. I don't mind blood and gore, but it's suspense that really gets to me so I wouldn't dare watch the movies all the way through.
Onto another ride, The Swarm was AMAZING. On front row I swear it was the most terrifying experience going down the 127ft inverted drop, especially since I was on the edge and watched how I had to go over the rest of the row. But other than that I was giggling all the way round, just like on every other rollercoaster. It's probably one of the best experiences I have ever had, but when we were on front row it was raining and it felt like hailstones on our faces... It was all very violent.

Thursday 31 May 2012

Issues with tiny things from Avatar: The Last Airbender

Oh man I have been reminiscing recently and re-watching all of the Legend of Aang DVDs in the run-up to my package. Mainly I've been spurred by the newest series about Korra but it's also because I learnt one of my best friends has never watched it so I offered to watch it together with her.
I remember when I actually made a big deal out of watching the live-action movie and forced my family to watch it with me because I had heard about the rumour of the film from when I was younger and had loved the series from a really young age. But I was so disappointed with it and how it made such a funny and clever cartoon into such a witless bore. Actually I think a lot of people thought the same as me because I have seen a lot of reviews like this one. I usually wouldn't trust reviews after reading a negative Tekken: Blood Vengeance review which was completely incorrect (although I agree the ending of that film was really quite unnecessary), but honestly if you want to battle this point with me then don't even bother because the live-action film was a piece of trash.
However the cartoon I completely adore. One of my favourite episodes has to be when Sokka drinks cactus juice. I remember watching it when I was younger and laughing so hard. I mean look at these clips of Sokka (and there are plenty of other ones if you keep searching).
There was just one thing that kind of went wrong for me at the end of the series though. For some reason I really thought Zuko and Katara would end up together and I shipped them quite a lot. Though it was nice she and Aang ended up together I somehow really wanted them together more.
Oh well. I'm pretty sure a lot of people find that idea quite offensive. Like today my friend told me people ship Aang and Zuko (although that link is kind of funny) together. I mean yaoi's cool and everything but no I really couldn't ship that. That's impossible.

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Ordering Alice: Madness Returns

So yesterday I scoured Amazon and Ebay in search of a game I have been interested in since its release in the UK. I've always been very interested in the more gothic sort of movies and games, such as films directed by Tim Burton and for some reason Bioshock has always kind of appealed to me.
I kind of forgot about the aforementioned game for quite a while until I stumbled - quite on accident - upon a Yogscast playthrough. And from there I found various cosplay videos and got really involved with the feeling of  Alice: Madness Returns.
It doesn't only look fun to play and quite challenging for me as I'm reasonably bad at even the smallest puzzles but it also has such a quirky and beautiful character design and I also really love the main theme, the extended version of which can be found here. I've also always found psychological stuff really interesting so I can't wait to see how Wonderland is warped in other places by Alice's insanity.
And would you just look at the design for her hysteria mode? It's just so perfect.
As you've gathered I just can't wait to play it.
Although what pissed me off was the difference in price for PC, Xbox 360 and PS3. I think the cheapest PC one I found was around £10 but I want it for Xbox and the cheapest price (minus postage and packaging) was £14.99. I have also heard rumours that there's a download included on the game of American McGee's Alice. I hope if it is included for Xbox that I don't have to download it via Live because I have never bothered to get it.
Gosh, I'm actually really excited.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Greetings all!

Before I begin to moan about the world and inform people of my various woes in this absurd universe, accompanied by random links to the most mentally scarring things available, I will first give a little information about myself.
I come from the United Kingdom, England to be exact not that I'm patriotic or anything. I am not telling you what town or county because I know you all just want to stalk me.
My dream is to become a novelist, and I like to experiment with different genres although mainly it's romance and all kinds of different characters. I also spend a lot of time drawing but my graphics art does leave much to be desired.
I play a lot of Xbox 360, namely RPGs like Skyrim and Fallout, but I do occasionally dabble with various other games like Bioshock and Halo. I'm pretty terrible at anything other than RPGs but I just love playing most types of games.
I am also an avid reader of Homestuck. I am also a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (seriously don't knock it until you've tried it) and various anime such as Elfen Lied or Angel Beats (among plenty of others).
There's not much else, but I'm sure there's plenty more to be revealed in the future.